


Fair Info

2025 Fair


Local Hotels


Project Info


Project Ideas

Scientific Method



Oral Presentation

Project Board







Awards Info

2025 Winners

2025 Photos



ISEF Photos

Fun Stuff




 Frequently Asked Questions

1.    When and where is the 2025 Louisiana Region 5 Science Fair?

2.    What are the times of the events of the Fair?

3.    Can I volunteer to help out with the fair?

4.    When is the deadline for registration (ONLINE ONLY)?

5.    Can I mail in the paperwork or can it be dropped off somewhere?

6.    What forms do I need to turn in to the Fair?

7.    If my school does not have a science fair, can I still enter regional competition?

8.    What kind of items are not allowed with the project display?

9.    Do I still have to follow item guidelines if I am in Elementary Division?

10.  My project will need electricity for its display.  Is there a place to plug it in?

11.  If I win any awards and am not there to pick them up, then what?

12.  Can my project title be in the form of a statement and not a question?

13.  I registered online but but don't know if it was received on time.

14.  My project was in one category at my school, and another at Region 5.  Why?

15.  How do I know where to set up my project once I get to Burton Coliseum?

16.  Why do the students have to be at their projects during judging at 10 am to Noon?

17.  Does my child need to stand when a judge approaches?

18.  Where does Region 5 Science Fair recruit their judges from?

19.  What is the money used for that is generated via registration and t-shirt sales?

20.  Can I have my name as well as photos of me and other people on my display board?

21.  What is the origin of the Universe?

22.  When will I get the t-shirt that I pre-ordered?

23.  Is there any way to get judges comments after the fair?

24.  Do I have to be present at the time of the judging?

25.  What time is the Fair open to the public?

26.  If I have questions on the day of the Fair, who can I ask?

27.  Should I bring with me and my project printed out required form from the registration process?

28.  Can I get a receipt for the registration?

29.  How many interviews does each student receive?

30.  I have other events to attend on the day of the Fair.  Can you make special arrangements? 

31.  Can someone from the Region 5 Staff come to our school to give a Fair presentation?

32.  Who were the past Directors of the Louisiana Region 5 Science Fair?





1.    The date of the 70th Annual Louisiana Region 5 Science and Engineering Fair will be February 13, 2025. It  will be at the McNeese State University Recreation Center.


2.    Setup time varies.  Check 2025 Fair link in side menu.  Awards Ceremony is from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM.  


3.    Absolutely - Volunteers are welcome.  Region 5 Science Fair is run strictly by volunteers.  If you would like to help, go the the Contacts page and drop me an email.  If I am not out of the country, I will normally respond within 24 hours. 


4.    The deadline for registration (ONLINE ONLY) is January 25, 2024.  


5.    No.


6.    You will see and fill out (and print out) required forms during ONINE REGISTRATION. (LINKS ON HOME PAGE) BE SURE TO PRINT OUT REQUIRED FORM AND BRING A COPY WITH YOU TO THE FAIR..


7.    If your school does not have a science fair, you can still directly enter Regional competition.   Please use online registration or  Contact me.  


8.    On the web site, there is a link named Guidelines.  This will give you information as to what you cannot have at your display.  The reason for so many restrictions is liability.  In addition, those who progress onto State level of competition, will fall under the same guidelines.  


9.    As Elementary Division does not go onto further competition, the guidelines are somewhat relaxed.  We do ask that there be no hazardous chemicals of any type.  This would also include materials such as poisons, volatile compounds, etc.  Water is allowed, but as long as it is in a taped and sealed container that cannot pose the risk of any spillage.  Plants and food items are allowed for Elementary Division.  If you are not sure about an item, please Contact me. 


10.  You will need to supply your own extension cord.  Depending on where on the floor your project is assigned, you may need a cord as long as 75 to 100 foot.  Also, please bring duct tape to tape down the cord to eliminate, not only a tripping hazard, but the possibility that someone catches your cord with there foot and pulls your electronic item off the the table.   Be sure to contact the Director to verify electrical outlets are still available.


11.   If you are not able to stay for the awards ceremony, please have a representative ( teacher, relative, schoolmate, friend ), there to collect any awards that you may receive.  If this is not possible, then several weeks after the conclusion  of the fair, I will try to get it mailed off to you.  There is a lot of post fair paperwork that I am required to complete and get submitted by certain dates. 


12.   There are no rules that say your project needs to be in the form of a question or statement.  However, your teacher may have his or her own policy concerning this.  If not, then get creative with the title.  A catchy title could be a positive.


13.  If your ONLINE registration was successful, you will see evidence of that at the end of the process.  If you wish, please Contact me if you are having any issues.


14.  Sometimes it is difficult to classify a project in the correct category.  That is why it is important for LR5SEF to receive correctly filled out Abstracts and paperwork.  When we get them, we scrutinize the paperwork and have to sometimes place the project in a different category.  If you route your browser to Categories, you will see explanations as to the description of each category.  If you have a question about the category and your teacher is unsure, give me a call.  I will be glad to help.


15.  Once you get to the McNeese Recreation Center, the table assignments, along with the project's correct category, will be posted on the  entrance doors.  Locate where you are suppose to be, go to that spot, and set up.  We have many duplications of the same postings, by division, on the doors.  They are in alphabetical order.  ( last name first )


16.  From 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM, the floor is cleared and judges will have the opportunity to look over projects and formulate questions.  Even though a category judge may have already spoken with you, there is still the possibility that a Special Awards Judge will come by.  Also, a category judge may want to walk back out to speak to you again if he/she is having difficulty deciding who to put 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and HM.


17.  It would be a good idea for the student to stand when the Judges approach their project.  This lets the judge know  that the student is ready to present his/her project. It also shows correct etiquette in the judging process.  ( it will make a good impression on the judge )


18.  Judges are from all over - Area industries, educators and students from McNeese, teachers from local schools, area business owners, government representatives, and individuals from the medical profession.


19.  Money generated by by registration fees, and sponsor's donations, go toward keeping the fair operating.  Some of the expenses go toward the yearly ISEF affiliation fee, trophies, medals, and certificates, operating supplies like paper, labels, pencils, and postage, a breakfast for the judges and volunteers, trips to the International Science and Engineering Fair for the Overall Fair Award Winners, as well as their adult chaperones, and other miscellaneous items.


20.  Yes, you can have your name and photos of yourself on your display board.  If you have photos of someone else, you need to have them complete the bottom section of Informed Consent Form.  An added note - because of the item display restrictions for Junior and Senior division, it is a good idea to complement your project with photos of the research and experimentation.


21.  Come on now........you really didn't think I was going to go there with an answer?


22.  If t-shirts are available for pre-order, they will be available for pickup on the day of the fair at the event.  


23.  In past years we have experimented with judging forms that were designed to provide a way to feedback comments to the students.  Unfortunately, the time available to us to tabulate the sheets has not afforded us a practical way to get these sheets back to the students as originally planned.  Until we can work out a different plan, we will encourage the judges to offer constructive comments to the students at the end of their interview.  


24.  You should.  If you are not, your project will still be judged but it will not be eligible for any awards.


25.  The Fair will be open to the public for viewing from 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM  to the start of the awards ceremony at 5:00 P.M. 


26.  Look for folks with Volunteer, Assistant Director, or Director badges on their shirts.  There will be a number of us on the floor with walkie talkies.  


27.  YESt.


28.  This will be during online process using a credit card..


29.  You will receive a minimum of one interview.  This will be for category judging.  As there are a large number of Special Awards that are given out, you may find yourself interviewed by 2, 3, or even 4 more judges.  Each special award has its own unique set of judging criteria.  Just because you may win two or three special awards, does not mean that you will automatically win a place award.


30.  We do understand that the life of a student during a school year is much busier than it was back during the time we were in school.  Please try to give the Fair your top priority.  If you have another academic event on Saturday we will definitely work with your schedule.  If you are asking because of a sporting event, then the Fair will be less forgiving.  


31.  Absolutely!  If you contact me either I or someone else from the Region 5 Staff will be more than happy to drive out to speak to students, teachers, and any parents about the Science Fair and science fair projects.  Please contact the Director to schedule a time!


32.  After doing some research, I came up with the following information.  The first Director was Dr. Iglinsky of McNeese.  Second was Dr. Dickson, then Maples, then Dr. Batchelor, 5th was Joan Vallee, 6th was Brady Gentry.  Currently, Judy Reeves, St. Margaret Catholic School is  Director.  



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